About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Queueing Models and Service Management (QMSM) is an international refereed journal devoted to the publication of original research papers specializing in queueing systems, queueing networks, reliability and maintenance, service system optimization, service management, and applications in queueing models or networks. The journal publishes theoretical papers using analytical methods or developments of significant methodologies. QMSM publishes works of originality, quality and significance, with particular emphasis given to practical results. Practical papers, illustrating the applications of queueing and service management problems, are of special interest.

QMSM does not charge any Article-Processing Charge (APC) and is committed to disseminating high-quality research, in the area of queueing modeling and service management, to broad spectrum of audiences. It is an open-access journal and gives unprecedented global access to all the researchers, research and development organizations, and companies from its website. Authors can ensure that their research is freely available online and downloadable by everyone, freely redistributed, and can be reused. Our website preserves all the published articles as a scientific record.


In order to publish and disseminate research articles, Providence University requires all authors to sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement before the article is published and disseminated. This transfer agreement authorizes the publisher to defend the copyrighted material for the authors. The copyright transfer includes all material to be published as part of the article (in any medium). The authors represent and warrant that the article is original with the authors and do not infringe any copyright or violate any other right of any third parties, and that the article has not been previously published, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The authors take the responsibility for getting the copyright holder permission to reproduce any material for which copyright already exists.

Advertising & Direct Marketing Policy

QMSM does not advertise and carry out any direct marketing like Direct Mail, Telemarketing, Direct Response Advertising to authors, or calls for papers. It does not use any direct marketing tools for promotion, or communications activity sent directly to authors to submit articles to the journal. However, sometimes special issues in the emerging areas of queueing models and service management are published for which an advertisement like "Call of Papers for Special Issue" is put on the journal website.

QMSM does not publish any commercial advertisements on the journal for revenue.